About Me

About Me

My name is Simon and I am a genuine, mature, English, fully-trained, professional, male mobile massage therapist masseur and massage practitioner aged in my 50's providing out-call, visiting, mobile massage therapy treatments for women and a very professional mobile massage therapy service for women, discerning ladies and my female clients.

I am a mature male massage therapist masseur aged in my 50's

I have been a professional massage therapist since completing my training in 2004 and I have been providing my massage therapy treatments / services exclusively for women ever since on a very regular basis for almost twenty years to the present day as I have found over the years that many women seeking massage therapy in one form or another actually prefer to book a male massage therapist masseur to give them their treatments, so I have always had a popular, successful "niche" in the market in this respect.

Honesty is the best policy in life and I am a mature male massage therapist masseur aged in my 50's, however I am often told that I look younger, but that of course is in the eye of the beholder and after all, age and time is an abstract concept.

I just wanted to clarify my actual age and to be honest from the outset to avoid any possible confusion or misunderstanding, so I shall leave it up to you to consider if my current age is appropriate / suitable for your own personal preferences.

There is absolutely no point in any mis-representation of my actual age or lying about my current age if you are seeking a younger male massage therapist masseur.

I have been providing my professional massage therapy services for women and my female clients for the past 20 years now and I have an unsurpassed, vast wealth of experience in this niche market of being a professional male massage therapist masseur who provides a wide range of massage therapy treatments for women with a bespoke male to female massage service.

I am considered to be articulate, caring, charming, charismatic, compassionate, confident yet very modest even with an assured air of confidence, conscientious, creative, cultured, eloquent, highly intelligent, friendly, reliable, genuine, generous, giving and totally approachable with a positive outlook on life, terrific sense of fun and humour, joie de vivre and a pleasing personality with sparkling effervescence.

I do not drink or smoke preferring to maintain and promote a healthy lifestyle as I genuinely enjoy keeping fit and healthy.

I truly believe in the maxim / saying that a healthy body leads to a healthy mind.

I am a very self-motivated individual with a professional attitude and considered to have a pleasing, positive, personality with effervescent energy and an outgoing, assured air of confidence, yet there is also a "yin and yang" dichotomy with me, as I am also very down-to-earth, chilled out, introspective, contemplative in thought and relaxed in nature.

I have been providing massage therapy treatments since 2004 until the present day and I am always very professional in my attentive approach to giving massage.

In this day and age, women have to be very careful, clear and concise about choosing a suitable male massage therapist masseur who they can trust to massage them in a safe, secure, discreet, confidential manner and to give them a professional massage therapy treatment within all their individual personal preferences as well as having total respect for all their personal boundaries, limits and comfort zones when they consider the prospect or possibility of booking a mobile massage therapy service given by a male massage therapist masseur for women and I always provide a very professional, female-friendly massage therapy service for all my discerning female clients as I have a very caring, compassionate, conscientious, holistic, humanistic approach towards ladies seeking a massage therapy treatment given by a man and for women who are inspired to book a male to female massage.

I have a naturally caring, attentive, understanding, empathetic nature and all the many women / female clients who I have massaged in both my personal life and professional capacity as a massage therapist masseur all tell me that I am always very charming, charismatic, considerate, kind, witty / highly intelligent as a person and very caring with compassion, empathy, kindness and understanding when giving a full-body massage.

I provide a very discreet, confidential, safe, secure, reliable, trustworthy, bespoke, private, professional massage therapy service for women and my discerning female clientele that is tailored to suit your own individual, personal needs, requests and requirements.

I always have total respect for all my female clients including their private, personal privacy with a sense of responsibility and a duty of care.

I have always offered an out-call, visiting, mobile massage therapy service from the beginning when I started to offer / provide my massage therapy treatments, even when I used to invite clients to visit me for in-call massage appointments at my private home between 2004 to 2020.

However, I no longer invite clients to visit me at my own current home location, but this may change in the forthcoming future when I decide to invite clients to visit me at my private home if I set up another home-based massage studio space / treatment room or possibly hire / rent another private suitable studio space, but for now, I am ONLY providing out-call, visiting, mobile massage therapy services.

I once again reiterate that I provide a very discreet, confidential, professional massage therapy service and I treat and view the contact that I have with women enquiring about my massage therapy services or female clients booking my massage therapy treatments with the same reverence as a patient / doctor confidentiality agreement, so you can always be assured of my discretion, secrecy and total respect for your personal privacy at all times.

We will always discuss your personal preferences, limits, boundaries, requests and comfort zones which I will observe / adhere to at all times in complete confidence with a relaxed, friendly, informative telephone conversation before your appointment with me.

My massage therapies for women are all beneficial for general health, wellness and well-being healing the mind, body and spirit.

My massage therapy treatments are bespoke and can be tailored to suit your individual needs, desires, requirements and requests.

I offer and provide a very professional, bespoke massage therapy service which can be tailored to suit the individual needs of all my discerning clientele and by detailing the treatments that I am able to give within this Home Page, I am then literally giving potential clients who are contemplating booking my massage therapy treatments a personal choice to then choose which one of my massage therapies would suit their own personal preference or giving the choice of combining different massage styles in one massage therapy treatment if so desired.

My massage therapy services / treatments for women are all about consent, communication with mutual trust, respect and honesty.

I am sure that you will find enough detailed, comprehensive information and genuine client testimonials regarding my massage services within my website as well as still photographic images and sample massage videos to inspire you when you are giving careful consideration to booking my massage therapy services.

I am available as a charming, charismatic, independent, highly intelligent, articulate, highly experienced, professional massage therapist masseur to provide holistic relaxing therapeutic full-body massage therapy services for women and my female clientele.

I am a very confident, positive person and I provide all my select services with warmth, care, compassion, empathy, patience, positivity and understanding.

I use the word and term "mature" to describe myself as I am now aged in my 50's.

I always provide a very discreet, confidential, safe, secure, reliable, trustworthy, professional, out-call, visiting, mobile massage therapy service for discerning ladies, women and female clients.

I treat and view the contact that I have with women enquiring about my massage therapy services or female clients booking my massage therapy services with the same reverence as a patient / doctor confidentiality agreement, so you can always be assured of my discretion, secrecy and total respect for your personal privacy at all times.

We will always discuss your personal limits in terms of boundaries and comfort zones which I will observe / adhere to at all times as well as discuss your own personal preferences and requests in complete confidence with a relaxed, friendly, informative telephone conversation before your appointment, booking and massage session with me.

If you are then still interested in booking my services, then I would always speak with you in the first instance after you make your intital contact with me to then ascertain your own individual interest in my massage services, any personal requests and to talk about your own massage needs as well as to discuss your own personal boundaries, limits and comfort zones with respect to me giving you massage.

I always provide a very professional, bespoke massage therapy service to suit the individual needs of all my discerning clientele.

My massage services are very bespoke and can be tailored to suit your individual needs, desires, requirements and requests.

All my massage therapies for women are all beneficial for general health, wellness and well-being healing the mind, body and spirit.

Massage Exchange Therapy Swaps & Holistic Therapy Swaps

I also really enjoy receiving massage as much as I enjoy giving massage, so I would be really interested in hearing from a female massage therapist, holistic therapist, alternative therapist, complementary therapist, beauty therapist or even a student learning massage for massage exchange, holistic therapy swaps and any other alternative complementary therapy exchange swaps with a view to meeting on a regular basis for massage exchange therapy swaps and any other holistic therapy exchange swaps, so please visit the link in the main header / menu section for more details.

I would also welcome any massage exchange swaps or therapy swaps with a lady who is not actually professionally trained or working as a therapist, but who has an interest in holistic, alternative, complementary therapies and who would like to exchange massage or any other type of therapies with me.

Befriending & Companionship Service

One very interesting dynamic which has happened in recent years has been to sometimes act as a male companion for a selection of my female clients.

I have been asked to provide a bespoke befriending and caring companionship service for some ladies and by some of my regular female clients who perhaps need some extra company and companionship in their lives in conjunction with receiving a massage.

Although I can be booked by ladies of all adult ages as a friendly companion and massage therapist masseur, I tend to be booked by more mature, older and elderly ladies for my companionship / befriending services who are perhaps feeling lonely or alone and who are in need of something a little extra special in their lives in conjunction massage therapy treatment, but I can also be a caring companion providing a private, personal yet professional befriending service for women of all adult ages.

Although I mention my massage therapy services in comprehensive detail, it is also possible to book me as a male companion with my bespoke, befriending, caring companionship service together with also having a massage and the choice is yours to make.

Some ladies just enjoy spending quality time together after their massage in my additional capacity as a friendly companion and a discerning conversationalist with my befriending service in conjunction with me giving them a massage therapy treatment.

This can be a beneficial service to some ladies who do not like the idea of finding friendship or companionship on the internet or using other similar, online services, but who might be feeling that they would like some additional stimulus or intimacy in their lives with a safe, secure companionship service with stimulating conversation combined with the physical therapeutic touch of massage from time to time.

With all the strains, stresses and tension in the current modern world, it is good to just allow yourself to enjoy some private, personal time to relax and to enjoy massage, therapeutic touch and some discreet, confidential, safe, secure, reliable, trustworthy, positive, caring companionship all within one perfect pampering package.

My befriending and companionship service is always provided upon the personal request of my female clients which is then included within my main massage price fee and there is no extra cost for booking and requesting this particular service.

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